Praying in the Spirit

Praying In The Spirit with Ama Antwi || Alone With God Episode 111

Alone with God Ministry is dedicated to equipping and empowering the body of Christ to develop a close relationship with God in the secret place. Through the Alone with God TV channel on YouTube, Minister Walter Twumasi shares teachings, preaching of God’s message, and worship songs to aid believers in getting to know God better and drawing closer to Him

In the past week, I had the humble privilege of sharing a message titled “Praying in the Spirit” for the Armor of God series, as found in Ephesians 6:11-19. In the message, I drew believers’ attention to the characteristics of prayer as revealed in Ephesians 6:18.

In this way, of praying we grow spiritually and also overcome spiritual battles.

First, Paul tells us the frequency at which we should pray – Praying Always means continual prayer, praying without ceasing as Paul echoes in 1st Thessalonians 5:17 – 17 “pray without ceasing.”

Second, he tells us what type of prayer we should offer – With All Prayer and Supplication.

With All Prayer – there are varied ways by which we commune with God. We commune with God privately or in public with a body of believers, out loud, silently, with deep groanings in the heart, thanksgiving, etc.

Supplication – bringing your needs before God. The word supplication comes from the Latin word “supplicare,” which means to plead humbly, to seek God to meet our needs and the needs of others.

Third, Paul tells us how we should pray – In the Spirit, being watchful, With all Perseverance. In the Spirit – being led by the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God leads us into all truth. Truth is the Word of God. Being watchful – alert, mindful, paying attention, discerning. With All Perseverance – With discipline, not giving up but pressing on through all challenges.

Lastly, he tells us those we should include in our prayers – Supplication for all the Saints. We are to pray for all Saints because every saint is a part of the body of Christ.

I encourage you to watch the video for the full message and be inspired by this message to become a person who prays in the Spirit of God. Remember, you are deeply loved by God, who sacrificed His only son, Jesus Christ, for your salvation. May you never forget the power of praying in the Spirit. God bless you.

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