“Christian” is a Nickname

As teenagers, we were often given nicknames based on our personality traits or behaviors that distinguished us from others. But did you know that the word “Christian” is also a nickname? It was first given to followers of Jesus Christ in Antioch because their lives emulated that of Jesus.

Acts 11:26

As Christians, it’s important to remember that being called a Christian is more than just a religious identifier. We should strive to earn this nickname by reflecting the nature and character of Christ in our lives. The Holy Spirit is our helper to guide us in our walk with the Lord so that our lives will reflect who Jesus is. Hence it is important to fellowship with the Holy Spirit through prayer and meditation on God’s word.

Know God to become like God

If we desire to reflect the nature and character of Christ in our lives, we must experience the deep, profound love of the Heavenly Father. This love is available to us when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. When we do so, the love of God floods our souls and overflows towards others. As believers, we are like branches grafted onto the true vine, Jesus Christ (John 15). By abiding in Christ, we draw from God nature and are able to manifest his selfless, pure love to others. This allows us to become Christlike and to truly live out our identities as Christians.

When others experience God’s love and nature through us, they will not hold but truly affirm that we are Christians ( Imitators of Jesus Christ).

Beloved, always remember that you are dearly loved by God, who gave His life on the cross to save you. May you be inspired to live a life that honors and reflects who Jesus Christ is.

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