Sit, Reflect and Give Thanks

Gratitude is an attitude that demonstrates a heart filled with gratefulness. The month of November, most people especially in the U.S. look forward to Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day is a time which exudes so much joy and happiness. Families come together to celebrate this day. It is just an awesome time, there is so much food and merry making and most of all this day invites us to take time to sit, reflect and give thanks.

On this Thanksgiving Day while many people may be celebrating and being grateful for the great happenings in their lives, for others it may even be hard to think or find what to be grateful for.

Beloved in Christ,  what I found is that the process of giving thanks bring many memories to the mind, the good, the bad and the ugly. Giving thanks tends to be a very emotional experience that can also birth true transformation in us as we attest to the goodness and grace of God that has been at work is us through all that we have been through.

Brothers and Sisters who this thanksgiving day may seem to be a difficult time to express gratitude, I share with you this Scripture verse.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;” – ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

May this November  be for you a month to remember and reflect to be grateful through it all, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I pray that  this scripture verse will  encourage you and keep you grounded in this time. Beloved in Christ, please do not be anxious, worried or troubled, on this day lay it all all at the feet of Jesus.  Looking unto Jesus, being hopeful and grateful in the grace, power and goodness our Lord Jesus and believe that God will work it all out for your good to the glory of His name.


Always remember that Jesus Christ loves you dearly for He gave His life to that you be saved.


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